Career Development Workshops

Workshops for people looking to navigate towards an exceptional career

Most people want careers that are meaningful, impactful, creative and valued.  The problem is that these kind of careers are rare and hard to achieve…

What do we do?

We train people in practical skills that enable them to identify and focus on what matters most; deal with transition, setbacks and stress; and to develop the expertise and career capital that sets them apart.

Who do we help?

We offer a range of workshops for those seeking to create exceptional careers, in whatever field.

We have unparalleled experience in delivering ACT to the workplace, having delivered career development workshops in banks, consultancies, law firms, large FMCG and media organisations as well as the public sector.


Our workshops are evidence-based and apply Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) principles to give people practical psychological skills that enable them to:

  • Set a clear direction by identifying clear and compelling career goals and values
  • Create career capital and use this to build exceptional careers
  • Build resourcefulness so as to thrive in demanding organisations
  • Deal effectively with change and difficult transitions
  • Understand their default style in terms of personality, signature strengths and leadership style and how to develop the ability to adapt effectively to each situation
  • Understand the role of the mind in moving towards what matters

What does the process involve?

All workshops are individually tailored to each client and can be delivered flexibly – from short keynote speeches to day-long masterclasses.

Get in touch to discuss our career workshops