21st Apr 2021
New eBook: Thriving In Uncertainty
We’re happy to announce the launch of our new e-book, Thriving in Uncertainty: How to Make Good Decisions, Adapt Quickly and Navigate Forwards in Uncertain Times.
This short guide is filled with links to free tools and resources designed to help you understand the two key issues when it comes to thriving in uncertainty:
- How to make effective decisions even when outcomes are hard to predict
- How to deal with the negative emotions (like stress and anxiety) that come with uncertainty
We have also included ideas for further reading, TED talks that illustrate key points as well as templates and interactive PDFs that can be used either by individuals or groups
Download your copy here: Thriving In Uncertainly eBook
Career Change, Career Development, Career Management, Executive Coaching
Tags: ACT in coaching, Anxiety, Compassion and careers, Creative thinking, Dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions, Decision making, Mindfulness, Strengths
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