26th Jan 2016
How long does the career change process take?
It depends.
In general, our career change plans are designed to help you think differently about yourself and your career. This takes time and effort. We would estimate that on average each step of the 5 step career change process takes 3-4 weeks. Our aim is to help clients feel that they truly did all the ‘due diligence’ they could possibly have made on their career decision. In some cases, this can be very rapid. Even a one off session can do the trick. But we have also had clients commit to a 12 month process, which allows a slow and planned transition.
The average is something like 3-4 months.
If you’d like to chat further, get in touch.
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What we’ve been writing about
ACT in coaching
Behaviour analysis in coaching
Behaviour change
career change
Career paralysis
cognitive fusion
Compassion and careers
Creative thinking
Dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions
Decision making
Energy management
Experiential avoidance
Flexible thinking: using ACT in career change
Marginal gains
meaning in work
Mindfulness in careers
Positive psychology
Psychology of career change
Step 2: Identifying decision criteria
The Career Psychologist
The Getting Unstuck process steps
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